I have made a new school year resolution to try and get Natalia to school on time (or at least within 5 minutes of the "start"). Yesterday we weren't doing so well. We got up late and I was frazzled. As I am trying to get Natalia to eat a granola bar, put on her shoes, brush her teeth, let me do her hair, and walk to the car (I know...too much stuff at one time) we had this conversation:
"Come one Natalia, we have to hurry. We are late!" (I must admit, that was not said in the nicest of tones. Sorry baby girl)
"It's ok Mommy. I have time."
I'm sorry. What!?!? I take a deep breath and close my eyes. We are going to be late for school. "You do?" I respond.
"Yes. It is right here in my pocket. Here take it," and she puts her hand into her pocket, pulls it out, and reaches towards me. "Take it Mommy. Take it."
"Ok. Thanks baby girl."
"No Mommy. You have to put it in your heart. Take the time from my pocket and put it in your heart. Then you will be happy again. Like this," and she places her hand over her heart.
I do the same and smile down at her as she says, "See Mommy...didn't that make your heart happy."
What a sweet girl I have. I am so lucky that she has these wise moments, reminding me to slow down and enjoy the time I have with her.
Adorable! What a great reminder to all of us!!
Why do we grow up and make things SOOO complicated?
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