Thursday, October 28, 2010

Game 2

Before tonight "cars" and "golf" were Natalia's two favorite things to watch on tv.  This could be because Opa is the one most likely to let her watch tv and his tv choices tend to veer towards the stock market and Nascar.  Because Natalia is a smart girl, and has generally already picked her stocks for the day, she tends to prefer to watch racing.  They can often be found cuddled in bed with Nascar blaring on the tv.  The golf channel happens to be right next to the racing channel, so they switch to golf during commercials.  Thus, her frequent requests for cars and golf. 

But tonight was all about the Giants.  We ordered pizza and watched Game 2 of the World Series.  Natalia, Tia, Nana and I were all gathered around the tv in Ama's room.  Opa and Odin were downstairs. Much of the game was spent discussing our day and outlining the requirements that Natalia must achieve before getting pregnant because, really, until the 7th inning, it wasn't too interesting of a game.  (Natalia has been obsessed with putting her babies under her shirt and pretending to be pregnant.  She even told me yesterday that we should get a real baby.  When I told her that they require a lot of attention and they only poop and cry she looked at me and said, "But Mommy, I am really good with babies."  At three.  Seriously!?!?  But I digress.)

By then end of the game she was cheering louder than the rest of us, pointing at the tv, and screaming, "That's what I'm talken 'bout."

 Guess she is ready to be a mom.  She certainly has her Little League scream down.

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

What Year Is It?

I sometimes wonder if Natalia is a time traveler.  How else would you explain her 1950's phrases?  I certainly do not talk like my grandfather.  And she certainly isn't picking it up at school.  First of all, they only speak Spanish.  Secondly, I feel like school is where you learn phrases like "neaner neaner" and "I'm not inviting you to my birthday party."  At least that's what we were teaching each other when I was a 3 year old.   I know that times have changed, but I thought that kids were becoming more and more irreverent.  Not more polite.  
I mean, how else did she learn that when someone accidental pulls your hair, the most heart warming and endearing way to respond  is with a smile, a pat on the arm, and a "It's ok Nana.  No harm done."

And how did she know that after an hour of walking all over Walnut Creek in search of a lemon cupcake, the only thing that would make me smile more than finding that illusive cupcake (which we never did find) would be to look down at her, see her place her hand on the glass of the 4th consecutive closed bakery, sigh, and say, "Well...I'll be darned."

The only explanation, other than time travel, that I have for her behaviour is that she must be reading Emily Post in her spare time.  Golly gee, a three year old reading?!?!  I know, I must be crazy. 

Think I can get her to take me on her next trip?

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Traveling Again

This time I am traveling alone.  Natalia is staying home with Nana and Opa while I fly to Florida for the wedding of a college friend.  It wasn't two weeks ago that we were MELTING at Disneyland and now I'm leaving home again.  More stories and photos will come once I return home, but we had a great time.  Natalia and I took a rest on Day 3 and stayed inside (she was throwing up because of the intense heat) but she got to meet many of the princesses, see Mickey, and ride Dumbo countless times.  She also loved the Matterhorn (even though she was scared of the "white gorilla with red eyes" aka the Abominable Snowman) and Thunder Mountain Railroad.  The girl definitely has a thing for speed!

Leaving her this morning was really hard.  She has been such a Momma's Girl since we came back from Disneyland, even pleading with me yesterday to stay home from school, breaking down in tears and crawling into my lap when I said no.  Thank goodness for Nana....she was able to turn the whole thing around and Natalia actually skipped into class. 

I vividly remember waking up from a nap when I was 3 1/2 years old and feeling abandoned.  My mom had gone to the hospital to give birth to my sister while I was sleeping.  I was told that she had kissed me goodbye, but I was inconsolable.  Nothing anyone said could convince me that she hadn't just left.  Natalia is the same age and has a MUCH better memory that I do, so I decided wake up her up before I left.  Poor thing I was leaving at 4:00am.  She was quite upset at first, gripping onto me with all her might (and who wouldn't be, being ripped from sleep to be told that your mom is leaving).

"Please Mommy, can I come with you???  I'll be good.  I'll be super super good and happy!!!!  Don't go!!!"

Talk about ripping my heart out. 

"Just hold me a little more Mommy.  I need a little comfort.  A little more love."

Where does she come up with these things?  I love how honest and open she is, and constantly impressed with the access she has to her emotions and the confidence she has in expressing them. 

By the time everything was loaded in the car Natalia was a bundle of energy and happiness.  She got me some of her favorite cheese.  "Which do you want Mommy, white Laughing Cow cheese or yellow lactose-free cheese?"  Such a sweet girl.  Hugs and kisses followed and then she crawled into Nana's lap and waved good-bye. 

I'm so excited to see my friends but I will miss that little girl.  She holds my heart.