Monday, November 23, 2009
Wednesday, November 4, 2009
What Dogs Say
Natalia and I were feeding Odin this afternoon. As she was filling up his bowl Natalia stated, "When Odin eats it then he will burp."
"Does he say excuse me," I asked.
"Why not?"
"Because he doesn't have words." Pause. A thoughtful wrinkle of the nose. Then she looked up at me. "But Opa has words."
"And what does he say when he burps?"
"Whoa...That was a BIG one!!!"
Got to love him.
Tuesday, November 3, 2009
My Little Pulpo
(Notice anything besides the costume that is similar? Yup - the child is obsessed with lollipops - not that she gets them very often. She wouldn't even take this one out for the photo.)
The school party was a lot of fun. They had all kinds of stations and activities. Face painting, photo booth, popcorn, cookie decorating, and a pinata. Natalia espically liked the cooking decorating and the pinata.
She is such a careful decorator
And such a delicate and proper eater.
No way she is my kid...I don't know anyone who would attack a cookie like that.
Sunday, October 25, 2009
Sunday, October 18, 2009
Happy Halloween PJ's
Aunt Sarah is the best!!!! She is always sending the CUTEST cloths. I never have to worry about Natalia missing out on the latest holiday because right around the time I start thinking about buying her something a shoebox of surprises arrives in the mail.
This time it contained two sets of Halloween pj's and the cutest outfit ever. It has been a struggle to get the little one out of them ever since. The pj pants are the biggest hit because they glow in the dark. This once unknown phenomena now totally preoccupies Natalia - she'll walk right up to you, get real close to your pants, cup her hands around her eyes, and lean in. Why don't all pants glow in the dark? It is a questions I will have to answer for a while...
Friday, September 11, 2009
First Day of School
She absolutely loves it - talks about the other kids in her class, jumps out of bed in the morning, and is already using Spanish every day.
"Vamos Mommy! Vamos!!!!"
"Leche . . . LECHE!!!!"
"Que pasa Mommy?"
It is so wonderful, but is definitely taking some getting used to hearing both languages come out of that little mouth.
Thursday, August 27, 2009
What Would It Be Like To Have Twins?
It really is such a fabulous place. Tons of things to look at - birds, butterflies, dragonflies, flowers, etc. Lots of space to run, and plenty of fresh air. The boardwalk also provided a perfect little bench for the girls to have a snack.
I had promised them that they could touch the COLD water in the brook on our way back to the car. Ava wanted to climb all over the rocks, while Natalia wanted to scoop up the sandy bottom. (I think I will feel a lot better about trips to the brook once the girls can swim and are big enough to rock climb without help. There is something about freezing cold water and jagged rocks that is so magnetic to those two, and knowing that I don't have to have a hand on them at all times will be so nice!)
The only way I was able to get them in the car was to promise that we would make play-dough when we got home. Now I have never made play-dough in my life. Thank goodness for my Blackberry. I downloaded a recipe for easy play-dough, pulled out two bowls, stripped down the girls, and put everything on the island.
The play-dough experiment started off a bit rocky. The recipe said 1 C water and 1 C flour with some salt and oil and cream of tarter thrown in. Maybe I didn't read all the directions. Maybe I was supposed to cook it on the stove, or put it in the microwave, or bake it, but let me tell you something. 1C of water and 1 C of flour do not play-dough make. A gooey, sticky, gloppy mess? Yes! Nice, moldable play-dough? NO!!!
"Sticky...Sticky...Stickly!!!" The consistency of the stuff almost broke Ava. She DOES NOT like to get messy. Sticky things are no fun for her. So having goopy, messy, flour stuck to her fingers was about the worst thing that could have happened. Uh-oh. I quickly washed off her hands and gave her a spoon. The world was once again all right.
Natalia on the other hand got the stuff ALL OVER. She plunged her hands in, wiped it on her legs, her belly, her face. It was like she was trying to give herself a play-dough wrap. Spa day for 2 year olds.
While spa day was a great idea, we did need some play-dough. So I just started mixing more flour in. Then a little more salt and cream of tarter. The some more oil. The some more water. I really have no idea how much I put in, but we ended up with a HUGE amount of the stuff. Natalia wanted hers blue, Ava wanted yellow, and then they mixed some up and made green.
Wednesday, August 26, 2009
We Have Contact
What a happy girl she is!
Thursday, April 9, 2009
Like I said. Such a trooper.
And no, we did not put an offer in on this house.
Friday, March 27, 2009
A Small Recommendation
But go backwards if you want.
It's totally up to you.
Thursday, March 26, 2009
Big Animals . . . Not So Much
Some children run right up to these creatures and hug them.
My daughter did not.
Luckily there was Jello to distract her from the large chipmunk hovering over her.
And friends Ava and Maya to save her from the large strange mouse.
Horses, Horses, Horses
Ava loved it.
At first Natalia liked it because of the horses. Then she liked it because of the wind blowing in her face. Finally she became entranced by the mechanism that makes the horse go up and down.
She spent one entire ride looking up and chanting "Up . . . Down . . . Up . . . Down . . ."
Opa was so proud. "That's my little engineer."Dumbo
She may look a little concerned, but she fell in love with that ride. All weekend it was either Dumbo or the carousel.
Dumbo and the carousel.
Dumbo and the carousel.
We did ride on the Rockets as well, which she loved (because it was like Dumbo).
But we always went back to Dumbo and "horses".
Pink Ears
This was the set of ears that she picked out. For someone who thought they were going to have a rough and tumble child, I sure do bring home a lot of pink and sparkles. Natalia was given her choice of ears at the Mad Hatter's Shoppe and she picked out the only set of ears that was all pink and had a veil and rhinestone tiara attached.
It's so Ooohhh, La, La.
Monday, March 23, 2009
It Has Been Too Long
The real estate investment firm I started began buying up, rehabbing, and renting out houses.
We went to Disneyland with Danielle and Ava (and Courtney, Danielle's husband, and Dara, Danielle's sister). Natalia fell in love with the Dumbo ride and the carousel. I get dizzy thinking about it. (Photos will be posted, never fear.
Natalia started really talking. They are full sentences, four to five words at a time. She no longer repeats the response I whisper in her ear. Instead she initiates conversations, repeats phrases at the correct time. One of her newest and most favorite sentences is:
"Do it by self"
Everything is "Do it by SELF!"
Another favorite is:
"Want some Mama?"
and if I don't respond quickly enough
When I finally say, "Yes, please" she replies, "Okay. . . Just one" and holds up one pudgy little finger.
We ate about 24 Teddy Grams this way - one at at time. "Want some? Hmmmm? Okay, just one." It is just too cute.
She has also started sleeping with books. Yup - my child is not even two and she is already hiding books under her covers. Every night she gets to take one thing with her to bed. And every night for the past week she has chosen "Abby Book". Abby Book is a Sesame Street counting book with Abby the fairy monster on the front. It was given to her by one of her aunts and she is OBSESSED with it. Can't sleep without it. I personally can't see how she does it. It is hard cardboard and big. But she clutches it in one hand, holds my hand with her other hand, says her prayers, and falls asleep. Without Abby all is lost.
Saturday, March 7, 2009
Just Say No . . .
Actually I didn't even brush it. It was pulled back from her face all day and when she ripped out the rubber band, this was the result.
How long do you think it will take her to buy a straightener?
Wednesday, March 4, 2009
So Silly
When crying: "Oh Buggy"
When she has hurt herself: "Ice . . . Whale Ice."
At something surprising: "Oh Gosh" and "How Bout That"
Upon picking up my purse (or anything resembling a purse) and putting it on her shoulder: "Have Fun! See you soon."
Then she'll walk out the door to whatever room we are in, close the door, turn around and knock:
"Hello . . . Who's there?"
Open the door, come back in, and say "Hi . . . Good bye. Have fun! See you soon."
(This game is repeated at least 5 times.)
In reaction to anything Nana does: "Silly Nana . . . so silly Nana."
(Again, this is generally accompanied with a shake of the head and a smile.)
Sunday, March 1, 2009
How Do You Hide Vegetables?
But I digress.
As I was saying, I was trying to get Natalia to eat more vegetables. I had made some spinach-carrot brownies earlier in the day (quite good) and had some beet puree left over beet puree from something or other. So I decided to make beet-spinach gnocchi.
And what a helper she was. After asking for a "tiny spoon" she decided to fill an empty ice cube tray with the gnocchi mixture. I think that she got at least half of the tray full.
Thirty minutes later we all sat down for dinner. I dished her up her regular tray of pears, cheese, and chicken but added a little gnocchi this time. Did she eat any of it?
Are you kidding me!?!? Of course not!!! (But it sure was fun to feed to Odin.)
Does she like to eat Play-doh that is the same color? But of course!!!
How about quarters, plastic eggs or Odin's toys. Yum yum.
What about pink gnocchi? Yuck, don't make me puke!!!!
Oh well. At least I got my vegetables for the day.
Thursday, February 26, 2009
New Landscaping
Didn't they make a nice trench?
Right Side Up
Last night was spent turning books, baby dolls, Mickey, Elmo, teddy bears, etc. upside down. Always accompanied by "up-a-si-down". The little extra "a" is what gets me.
Friday, February 20, 2009
Round One Goes To . . .
Well Natalia decided to follow in her mothers footsteps. In the past couple of weeks she has started to have very strong opinions about what she wants to wear. I am no longer allowed to just pick out her outfit. In fact, the first thing that I pick out is generally UNACCEPTABLE!!! Getting dressed was turning into a round of an Ultimate Fighting Competition. So I decided to let the child have some say. I mean really, so long as she is covered, I see nothing wrong with her going out in her princess dress if she wants. (Which, by the way, is how we went to the supermarket yesterday.)
And that is how we ended up wearing blue camo pants, pink sandals, and a brown spotted shirt. With "Cookie . . . Back" and "Big Bird . . . Here"
I must say I'm pretty impressed. She got her shoes on the right feet.
Wednesday, February 18, 2009
Mama Rock
But recently, she has become obsessed with Love Me Like A Rock. She will now come up to me when I'm sitting at the computer and say "Mama . . . Rock"
Always, "Mama . . . Rock."
It is, in fact, what we are listening to right now.
Monday, February 16, 2009
My First Valentine's Day Party
She and Ava took their mailboxes and emptied them out together. She especially loved the sticker Valentines she got from her friends.
Mommy loves them too.
I am still finding big stickers all over her cloths (she decorated herself once we got home). She also seemed to be in the Valentine's Day spirit the entire weekend and helped spread love throughout the house. Every day brings one more special find - a little piece of sticker stuck to the floor, legs of chairs, her car seat, a book, or Odin the dog.